Tuesday, February 8, 2011

assignment 5-1

                                    Weekly Written Analysis 5
                                               David Wilson

                                                   HUMN341-E1WW (WI11)

                                             Jessica Price
How many times have we watched a sports event and our national anthem become the main headlines in the news over the sporting event itself? In another major sporting event, the Super Bowl, another major singing artist made the headlines due to their lack of knowing the words to the national anthem. You will think that the NFL would test these singers knowledge of the anthem, since it is our national anthem. With all the issues that have risen over the years, with the Michael Jackson taking minutes to start his routine, to his sister wardrobe issues. The NFL has had issues with singers. So why don’t they have the at least rehearse. Maybe Christina Aguilera earned herself some unwanted attention Sunday night and Monday after flubbing some lines and omitting others in her rendition of the National Anthem prior to Super Bowl XLV, or maybe this is just a way for these so-called stars to get more publicity. Good or bad, it was her name that was all over the internet on Sunday night and all day Monday, and not the Green Bay Packers.
The NFL isn’t the only league that has issues with offering their version of the Anthem. Major league baseball has the worst version of all. Who can ever forget Roseanne Barr`s screaming of Anthem in 1990, at a Reds and Padres game. She was booed and she than spit at the response. This version remains as the most pitiful of all attempts by anyone to sing our Anthem.
The NBA decided that it didn’t want to be left of this list of poor attempts, so they hired Olympic gold medalist Carl Lewis to sing the Anthem in 1993. He stopped in the middle; after he realized how bad he was and promised the crowd that his second attempt would be better. He failed twice. He should have just finished and walked off the first time. He was booed, and this is his only memory that we as sports fans will remember of him, and not his gold medals. Not even NASCAR or the NHL has been able to escape this list.
Maybe the pro sports world should use our National Anthem as a way for people that want to get on American idle; maybe this should be a contest. It shouldn’t get any worse than they have presented.

Reference:  Brian Biggane , Palm Beach Post, Bad versions of 'The Star-Spangled Banner?' Roseanne surely tops the list, (02,2011) retrieved at:

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